Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My trip to Home Depot and Walmart

As I write this I am sitting on the outdoor patio at Nishtha. (The WiFi works best out here.) The mosquitoes are going away and the sun is coming up. The cooking staff is behind me preparing breakfast and 140 lunches for our adventure to science city. They talk, sing, laugh and bang huge pots. I hear the birds waking up and the frequency of the automobile horns begins to increase. Their generosity and hospitality is amazing. They see me working on my laptop and bring me strong chai tea and an amazing samosa with roasted peanuts inside.
I am having an amazing trip. It has been inspiring to see this group evolve and become a cohesive team. The plans are really coming together with our education projects and service projects for the remainder of our trip here.
I had the opportunity to go to the paint shop with my Indian sister Mimi last night. The Baruipur Home Depot. We walk up to this 8 X 10 shop with a big line. Seems to be the shop in town with the corner on the hardware market. We are buying paint to bring to life one of the dirty white classrooms in the school. Some stand in line for nuts and bolts, or sandpaper, Chad buys a shovel. Why not, can’t beat the price for less than 3 bucks! (Shovel and handle.) I can’t wait to see the classroom come to life. We buy our paint, fill up our auto-rickshaw and leave. Mimi takes me down a small alleyway to a market I’ve never seen before. The alley opens up into a huge market with fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts and spices. There are huge piles of garlic and people are cooking this and that. It is fantastic. The smells are amazing. I walk by a shop just as a man throws two handfuls of garlic, peppers and onions into a enormous sizzling pan and I think my friend Mike would love this place! Mimi calls this the Walmart of Baruipur. We are shopping for plastic carry bags for our midwives to carry home the newborn kits and clean delivery supplies people in America have collected for them.
All the details of this trip are coming together. Obstacles have been easily overcome. My emotions are right on my sleeve and I can definitely feel, without any doubt the prayers and positive energy all the people back home are directing our way. It is Thanksgiving Day here in India and I could not feel more humbled and grateful for everyone who has made this possible. My amazing wife who could not be more supportive. My children for letting me go. People who made donations, to the parents who inspired these children to make a difference, to the people who let me aerate their lawns, to supportive work colleagues who wanted to help children I told them about, children they will never meet, have a better life. And the countless hours that previous expeditions have spent evolving this program.

I am truly blessed.
Happy Thanksgiving


  1. We are reading this with tears rolling down our cheeks. We love you and love what all ya'll are doing. Happy Thanksgiving, Greg...and yes we are sending prayers in your direction! We are feeling truly blessed that our kids have you and the other adult leaders as true examples of giving!

  2. Thanks for posting! Happy Thanksgiving! We love you and are so glad that the expeditions is going well. Keep up the great work---it will end way to soon.

  3. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you there in India, even though I realize that for you it's almost over by now! Hope you had a wonderful day!! We love and miss you as we celebrate today. Thank you to all the youth and leaders there who are touching our hearts with each post!

  4. Today I am so grateful for the youth and the leaders associated with this awesome mission. I miss my daughter so much, but I'm so glad that she's there and able to be a part of this. Tell her to post! These people are so blessed to have you there, you are all so blessed to have this opportunity, and we, at home, are so very blessed to read about your experiences, and realize all that we have at this Thanksgiving time. Keep up the good work. We love you!

  5. I am more jealous than you could ever understand. Having read some of the posts that you and others have made, I know that you are affecting the lives of the people there in ways that you may never see. It is amazing that there are people like you that are willing to sacrifice some of themselves to benefit others. I love you buddy. Thanks for the example. Have a happy Thanksgiving and drink some delicious chai for me.

  6. It's funny, the first thing that struck me when I first met you was your ability to get things done. When someone asked for your help it wasn't later that week or even later that day! You would just pick up your phone and take care of it-BAM DONE! You know what that's called? PERSONAL POWER as Tony Robbins likes to call it. When there's people in need at the department I can put my money on it that you're involved in some way. Now on the other side of the world helping and making a difference not only there but here just by living by example-getting it done. You're a true leader and you make a difference everywhere you go. Love you long time -Mike Garrick
